

Get involved. Take action. Make a change.

  1. Get Informed 

  2. Speak Up

  3. Correct Misinformation

    • you may have noticed a conversation about a misinformed tweet by @realDonaldTrump, in December 2017

  4. Join an Organization

  5. Build a Community

    • There’s power & impact in peer pressure and community. Get your friends and colleagues together to work on reducing carbon emissions

  6. Divest from Fossil Fuels

    • Insist that your alma mater divest from fossil fuels; invest in companies that are part of the solution. Many public companies now have robust zero-energy goals.

  7. Vote

    • …and vote for people who get it (millennials especially can be complacent about voting; it’s inconvenient, time-consuming etc.)

  8. Eat Less Meat

    • An answer to the marvelous farting cow climoji!

  9. Take Public Transportation

    • or walk, or bike

  10. Use Revolving Doors

    • In big buildings, use revolving doors – they’re more energy-efficient. Take the stairs when you can!

  11. Insulated your Homes

    • Ensure your home/ building is well insulated. Well insulated houses use less energy to keep them warm. This means that less CO2 released into the atmosphere from burning of fossil fuels in our power stations and central heating boilers.

  12. Compost Food Scraps

    • DIY or take the food scraps to your local Farmers Market.

  13. Say Thank You

    • When your mayor/governor/senator/favorite celeb takes a stand to fix global warming, say thank you! There’s huge leverage for change via social media.

  14. Use Your Climojis!

Thanks to @SarahFRobinson for these!